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PM’s remarks at book release function on the occasion of completion of two years of Presidency of Shri Pranab Mukherjee

“Art should not be dependent (rajya-aashrit) on the state, but promoted (rajya-puruskrit) by the state”
“Birds give us inspiration to live in harmony with nature”

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, today felicitated the President, Shri Pranab Mukherjee on completion of two years of his Presidency. Speaking after releasing two books `Indradhanush` and `The Winged Wonders of Rashtrapati Bhawan,` he said the country had got new direction and inspiration from the guidance of Shri Mukherjee as President. Comparing the President to the Head of a family, the Prime Minister added that he too had personally been guided by the President after assuming office.

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The Prime Minister congratulated the authors of the two books saying their efforts were not mere compilations, but creations borne out of personal experiences (anubhooti).

On the book – Indradhanush – which is on the cultural events organized in Rashtrapati Bhawan, the Prime Minister said the art and culture of India has the potential to attract the world. Marvelling at the richness of Indian culture, he remarked that we had a separate `raaga` for different times of the day. He said India`s art touched the soul of a human being. Art should not be dependent (rajya-aashrit) on the state, but promoted (rajya-puruskrit) by the state, he added.

Referring to the other book – `The Winged Wonders of Rashtrapati Bhawan` – the Prime Minister spoke of the important place that birds have enjoyed in India`s history, culture and mythology. Illustrating this with several examples, he said the Garuda Purana spoke of human values that could be gained by taking inspiration from birds. He added that the episode of Jataayu in the Ramayana inspires us to fight against terrorism.

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Speaking of birds, he said that birds give us inspiration to live in harmony with nature. Borders are irrelevant for birds, wind and water. He said nests built by birds were wonderful examples of architecture, which incidentally, are made largely out of waste.

The Prime Minister also referred to the Rashtrapati Bhawan Museum, which was dedicated to the nation by the President this morning, in his presence. He said India very often is not a history-conscious society, and this museum is an effort to preserve a part of our unique heritage. He said that only a society which is conscious of history, has the potential to create history.

Referring to the need to preserve our environment, he said we have taken our natural resources from the next generation on loan, and it is our duty to return them in good condition.