Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi today presented Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina a hand-woven tapestry from Venkatagiri, Andhra Pradesh, woven in jamdani style – a well-known tradition in Bangladesh. Located in Nellore district in Andhra Pradesh, Venkatagiri is famous for handlooms, and its weavers have adopted the fine jamdani weaving technique while assimilating traditional designs of the region, such as the artwork in this tapestry that shows the Kalpavriksh tree and the Kamadhenu cow which are regarded as auspicious and bestower of prosperity. The tapestry has been woven using very fine cotton yarn and pure gold thread, with both the warp and the weft having the same count of cotton yarn.
The tapestry has been done by Nellore’s National award winning artist and master craftsman Shri Gowrabathini Ramanaiah.
Presented a hand-woven tapestry from Venkatagiri, Andhra Pradesh woven in Jamdani style to PM Sheikh Hasina.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) June 6, 2015
Artwork in this tapestry shows Kalpavriksh tree & the Kamadhenu cow.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) June 6, 2015