The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, today held an interactive session with young IAS officers of 2013 batch today. These officers have completed a three-month stint with the Government of India, as Assistant Secretaries. This is the first ever batch of IAS Officers to commence their career with a stint in the Central Government.
Addressing the officers, the Prime Minister exhorted them to make the best use of the first ten years of service, when they would be working in the field, and had the opportunity to contribute the most for the good of the people.
The Prime Minister said that very often, their new ideas and vision may meet resistance from the older generation, but the way to move forward is by working hard, and taking people along. The key is to integrate people, he added.
The officers gave presentations to the Prime Minister on six key themes, including MUDRA, Improving Government Communication, Citizen Centric Service Monitoring, Ek Bharat – Shreshtha Bharat, Soil Health Card scheme and National Mineral Exploration Policy.
Our actions must be in tune with our vision. What we learn on the ground is very important: PM to IAS officers of 2013 batch
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) November 19, 2015
These 10 years are very crucial for you. Make the most of these 10 years & ensure your foundations are strong: PM to 2013 batch IAS officers
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) November 19, 2015
You are the people going to manage several districts across India. The positive change you bring will be beneficial for the nation: PM
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) November 19, 2015
Tensions and struggles don't bring change. It is about how many people to integrate: PM to IAS officers of 2013 batch
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) November 19, 2015