Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi inaugurated the Shri Siddhi Vinayak temple and the Gujarati Samaj of Houston Event Centre in Houston, Texas. He was participating in the Indian community reception program organized by the Texas Indian Forum after the ‘Howdy Modi’ event.
Prime Minister also unveiled a plaque to mark the ground breaking ceremony of Eternal Gandhi Museum in Houston.
Addressing the gathering after the inauguration, Prime Minister thanked them for organizing the ‘Howdy Modi’ event. He said “You all have set the stage for a glorious future as far as India-USA ties are concerned. I thank you all”.
Speaking about the Eternal Gandhi Museum, Prime Minister said that the museum will be a prized cultural landmark in Houston. “I have been associated with this effort for a while. It will surely make Mahatma Gandhi’s thoughts popular among the youth”, Prime Minister added.
Prime Minister appealed to the Indian community to mobilize at least five families per year to visit India as tourists. He urged the Indian-American community to stay connected with their mother tongue wherever they go.