The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has praised the “Healthy Baby” show campaign being organized across Secunderabad Parliament Constituency. Shri Modi was responding to the tweet threads by Union Minister for Culture, Tourism and Development of North Eastern Region, G Kishan Reddy wherein Shri Reddy has informed that the programme was initiated with distribution of enrollment forms for the “Heathy Baby Show” in every basti – every colony & society of Secunderabad Parliament Constituency. He has also informed that the healthy children and their families were felicitated with certificates and ’Poshan Kits’.
Responding to the tweet threads by Union Minister, the Prime Minister tweeted;
“This is a noteworthy effort, which will greatly benefit children.”
This is a noteworthy effort, which will greatly benefit children.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) February 24, 2023