The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, today addressed the NCC rally in New Delhi. He said every young NCC Cadet came to this gathering with his or her own personality and identity. But, he added, that over the course of a month, new friendships would have been forged, and a lot would have been learnt from each other. NCC camps teach every youngster about the different cultures of India, he said. They motivate every youngster to do something good for the nation, he added.
The Prime Minister said that this spirit that has been learnt in NCC camps will remain with the Cadets for life. He said that the National Cadet Corps is not about uniform or uniformity, it is about unity. Through NCC we nurture teams that work in mission mode and inspire others, he added.
The Prime Minister said that the NCC has completed seven glorious decades, and has given a sense of mission to several people. Today we celebrate what we have achieved and also think about how we can make the NCC experience even more effective in the years to come, the Prime Minister said. He urged all stakeholders to think about the plan of action of the next 5 years, when NCC turns 75.
Shri Narendra Modi asserted that the youth of India now refuse to accept corruption. He asserted that the fight against corruption and black money will not stop. He added that this is a fight for the future of India’s youth.
The Prime Minister appealed to the Cadets to promote digital transactions through the BHIM App, and to motivate others to join that platform. He said that this a step towards transparency and accountability. Once the youth of India decide something, everything is possible, he added.
The Prime Minister said that earlier, people believed that nothing happens to the rich and powerful. But, he added that things are different today. People who served as Chief Ministers are in jail for their corruption, he asserted.
Speaking on Aadhaar, he said it has added great strength to India’s development. What would earlier get into wrong hands is now going to the intended beneficiaries, he added.
Every youngster came here with their own personality and identity but I am sure the last month would have led to the formation of new friendships and learning of new things from others: PM @narendramodi
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) January 28, 2018
NCC camps teach every youngster about the different cultures of India. It motivates every youngster to do something good for the nation: PM @narendramodi
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) January 28, 2018
This spirit that has been learnt in NCC camps has to remain with you for life: PM @narendramodi at the NCC parade
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) January 28, 2018
NCC is not about uniform or uniformity, it is about unity. Through NCC we nurture teams that work in mission mode and inspire others: PM @narendramodi
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) January 28, 2018
NCC completes 7 glorious decades. It has given a sense of mission to several people. Today we celebrate what we have achieved and also think about how we can make the NCC experience even more effective in the years to come: PM @narendramodi
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) January 28, 2018
I urge all stakeholders to think about the plan of action of the next 5 years, when NCC turns 75: PM @narendramodi
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) January 28, 2018
The youth of India refuses to accept corruption. The fight against corruption and black money will not stop. This is a fight for the future of India's youth: PM @narendramodi
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) January 28, 2018
My young friends, I am here to ask for something. No, I am not here for seeking votes or politics. My appeal is- please further digital transactions through (the BHIM App). Please also get others on that platform. This is a step towards transparency and accountability: PM
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) January 28, 2018
Once the youth of India decide something, everything is possible: PM @narendramodi
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) January 28, 2018
Earlier people believed that nothing happens to the rich and powerful. But, things are different today. People who served as Chief Ministers are in jail for their corruption: PM @narendramodi
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) January 28, 2018
These days you keep hearing about Aadhaar. I want to say Aadhaar has added great strength to India's development. What would earlier get into wrong hands is now going to the intended beneficiaries: PM @narendramodi
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) January 28, 2018