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List of MoUs/Agreements signed during the visit of Prime Minister of Japan to India

S. No.



A. Disaster Risk Management


MOC between the Ministry of Home Affairs, of the Government of the Republic of India and the Cabinet Office of the Government of Japan

Aims to cooperate and collaborate in the field of disaster risk reduction and to share the experiences, knowledge and policies on disaster prevention.

C. Skills Development


MoC in the field of Japanese Language Education in India between MEA and MOFA, Japan

To further strengthen bilateral relations and cooperation in the field of Japanese language education in India

D. Connectivity


India Japan Act East Forum

To enhance connectivity and promote developmental projects in the North Eastern Region of India in an efficient and effective manner

E. Economic & Commercial


Arrangement between India Post and Japan Post on  Administrative Instruction for the Implementation of Cool EMS service

Aims at implementing the commercial arrangement of “Cool EMS” service between
the Japan Post and India Post through which fresh food can be sent from Japan to India in cool boxes to facilitate for the Japanese expatriates in India

F. Investment (Gujarat)


India-Japan Investment Promotion Road map between DIPP and METI

To facilitate and accelerate the Japanese investments in India


MOC between METI and the State of Gujarat on ‘Japan-India special programme for Make In India’ in Mandal Bechraj-Khoraj in Gujarat

To Cooperate in infrastructure development programmes in theMandal Bechraj-Khorajregion

G. Civil Aviation


Exchange of RoD on Civil Aviation Cooperation (Open Sky)

It opens skies between India and Japan i.e. Indian and Japanese carriers can mount now unlimited number of flights to the selected cities of each other’s


H. Science & Technology


Agreement for International joint exchange programme between interdisciplinary theoretical and mathematical sciences programme (iTHEMS), RIKEN and National Centres for Biological Sciences (Simons-NCBS)

To establish a Joint Exchange Program to identify and foster talented young scientists from both the countriesto collaborate in the field of theoretical biology


Joint Research Contract between National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science & Technology (AIST), Japan and Department of Biotechnology (DBT)

To conduct joint research and to establish an International Center named as “DBT-AISTInternational CENter for Translational & Environmental Research (DAICENTER)” at AIST, Japan in order to promote science and technology in both the institutions and countries.


MOU Between DBT and National Institute of Advanced Science & Technology (AIST)

To promote research collaboration between DBT Research Institutes and AIST in the field of Life Science and Biotechnology

I. Sports


MoU on International Academic and Sports Exchange between Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education (LNIPE)and Nippon Sports Science University, Japan (NSSU)

To facilitate and deepen international education cooperation and exchanges betweenLakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education, India and Nippon Sport Science University, Japan


MoU on International Academic and Sports Exchange between Sports Authority of India and Nippon Sports Science University, Japan (NSSU)

To facilitate and deepen international education cooperation and exchanges between both Sports Authority of India and Nippon Sport Science University ,


LETTER OF INTENT between Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education (LNIPE) and University of Tsukuba, Japan

To strengthen strategic collaboration, joint research programme and exchanges betweenLakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education, India and University of Tsukuba, Japan


LETTER OF INTENT between Sports Authority of India and University of Tsukuba, Japan

To strengthen strategic collaboration, joint research programme and exchanges betweenUniversity of Tsukuba, Japan and Sports Authority of India

J. Academics/Think Tank


MoU between RIS and IDE-JETRO for promotion of Cooperation in Research Related

To promote institutional cooperation between RIS and IDE-JETRO to strengthen the capacity of researchand effectiveness of dissemination of research findings