The Union Cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved the Cadre Review of Group ‘A’ Executive officers of Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) with net creation of 90 posts of various ranks from Deputy Commandant to Special DG ranks. After creation of these posts in CRPF, the operational efficiency and capacity building of the Force including its administrative capabilities would be enhanced.
Under the cadre review, the increase in existing structure of Group ‘A’ posts from 4210 to 4300 posts is as under:-
1. Increase of one post of Special DG (HAG + level).
2. Net increase of 11 posts of Inspector General (SAG level).
3. Net increase of 277 posts of DIG/Commandant/2-l/C (JAG level).
4. Net reduction of 199 posts of Deputy Commandants (STS level).
The Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), is one of the Central Armed Police Forces. It was formed in 1939. The first Cadre Review of the service was conducted in 1983 and the second and last Cadre Review was conducted in 1991. Though no formal cadre review has been carried out after 1991, major augmentation-cum-restructuring were carried out in 2004 and 2009. During these augmentations, additional battalions were raised without proportionate addition of supervisory and support staff.