The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has approved the Cadre review of Group ‘A’ Executive Cadre of Central Industrial Security Force (CISF). It provides for creation of 25 posts of various ranks from Assistant Commandant to Additional Director General ranks to enhance the supervisory staff in Senior Duty posts of CISF.
The restructuring of the CISF Cadre will result in increase of Group ‘A’ posts from 1252 to 1277 with increase of 2 posts of Additional Director General, 7 posts of Inspector General, 8 posts of Deputy Inspector General and 8 posts of Commandant.
After creation of these Group ‘A’ posts in CISF, the supervisory efficiency and capacity building of the Force would be enhanced. Timely creation of proposed posts in the Cadre Review of Group ‘A’ posts in the Force will enhance its supervisory as well as administrative capabilities.
The CISF came into existence through the CISF Act 1968 amended in 1983 declaring the Force as Armed Force of the Union. The original charter of CISF was to provide protection and security to the property of Public Sector Undertakings. The Act was further amended in 1989, 1999 and 2009 to enlarge the charter of duties and security cover to Private Sector Units and other duties that may be entrusted by the Central Government.
The CISF came into existence in 1969 with a sanctioned strength of only three Battalions. The CISF does not have a Battalion pattern like other CAPFs, except 12 Reserve Battalions and HQRs. Currently, the Force is providing security cover to 336 Industrial Undertaking (including 59 Airports) spread all over the country. The Force, which had made a beginning with a sanctioned strength of 3192 in 1969, has grown to a strength of 1,49,088 as on 30.06.2017. The CISF has its Headquarters at Delhi. The Organization is headed by the DG which is an Ex-cadre post.