Pranam to all the brothers and sisters of Kashi.
I am saddened by the terrorist attack on a gurudwara in Kabul. I offer my condolences to the families of all those who have died in the attack.
Today is the first day of the new year. It is the first day of the auspicious festival of Chaitra Navratri. All of you will be busy in the worship. I am very grateful to you for taking time for this programme amidst the festivity.
As you know, Mother Shailaputri is worshipped on the first day of the Navratri. Mother Shailaputri represents love, compassion and affection. She is also called the goddess of Nature.
At a time when the country is passing through a crisis, we all need the blessings of Mother Shailasute. I pray to Mother Shailaputri to ensure victory of the country and the 130 crore people who have waged a war against the Corona pandemic.
Being a parliamentarian from Kashi, I should have been with you. But you must be aware of the activities in Delhi. Despite my busy schedule, I am taking regular updates about Varanasi from my friends.
Remember, the victory in the battle of Mahabharata came after 18 days. Today, the entire country is battling the Corona crisis. It is our endeavour to win this battle in 21 days.
At the time of the war of Mahabharata, Lord Shri Krishna was the sarthi (charioteer). Today we have to win this battle against Corona on the strength of 130 crore people. The people of Kashi also have a large role in it.
It has been said about Kashi:
मुक्ति जन्म महि जानि, ज्ञान खानि अघ हानि कर।
जहां बस संभु भवानि, सो कासी सेइअ कस न?
Meaning, this is a mine of knowledge, can destroy sins and distress.
Kashi can guide everybody; can set an example during this crisis.
The experience of Kashi is eternal and time immemorial.
And therefore, Kashi can teach patience, coordination and sensitiveness to the country during the lockdown. Kashi can teach the country about cooperation, peace and endurance. Kashi can teach the country about spirituality, service and solution.
Kashi means Shiva.
Shiva means welfare.
Who other than the land of Shiva can lead us the way to meet the challenge?
Massive arrangements are being made in the country in the wake of the Corona pandemic.
But all of us, including me and you, have to keep in mind that social distancing and remaining indoors is the best solution at present.
I am aware that you will be having lots of questions, some concerns and some suggestions for me as well.
Let’s begin the conversation. You will ask your question and I will try to answer that.
Namaskar Mr. Prime Minister
Question –I am Professor KrishnakantBajpayee. I am director of the National Institute of Designing Technology in Varanasi. Besides, I am also a blogger, writer and a soldier in this fight against Corona. And being a soldier, we have been doing some work, spreading awareness. During our interaction with people, most of them say they can’t be infected with this disease because of our style of living, our environment, our traditions and cultures. Some say that the virus will be eliminated with the onset of the summer. We are very much concerned about this. Please guide us.
Krishnakantji, I feel very proud when I find citizens like you getting involved in creating awareness despite their personal work and business.
Your self-less service and your concerns towards the society will lead to good results and will help in scoring victory against Corona.
You are absolutely right that some people have misconceptions about this. This is the human tendency to accept anything which is easy, to his liking and amicable. People tend to believe anything which is of their interest and which suits them. Many a time it so happens that they don’t take into account several important things which are based on evidence. The same thing is happening with our people. Therefore, I would like to request these people to get their misconceptions cleared as soon as possible and understand the reality. The biggest reality is that this disease does not differentiate between people. This strikes the developed country as well as the poor. Even people who do regular exercises and take good care of their health get affected by this virus. Therefore, it is not important who the person is, where he is, what does he do? Rather than spending energy about all these, one should try to understand the dangers of this disease. You are right that some people do not follow despite what they hear, what they see and what they understand. They are not aware of the dangers. They are not bothered about the precautions to be taken. Despite watching advisories on TV regarding the dangers of smoking like that it leads to cancer, or chewing tobacco leads to cancer, they continue to smoke while watching these advertisements. They are not bothered. Many a time, people just don’t follow precautions despite being aware of the dangers. Yes, being a citizen, we should fulfill our duties. We need to emphasise on social distancing. We should remain indoors and maintain some distance. This is the only solution to escape this pandemic. If a person lives a disciplined life and follows the directions, then there are less chances of him being infected with this disease. One should also keep in mind and it is very important to note that more than one lakh Corona-infected people have recovered and dozens of people in India have also recovered.
Yesterday, I was watching news that an over 90 years old lady recovered in Italy.
I would like to share with you that the government has set up a help desk in collaboration with WhatsApp for all the information related to Corona. If you have the WhatsApp facility, you note down one number, which is 9013515151. Through this number, you can connect with this service. If you write Namaste on this number, you will start getting the necessary information.
Friends, whosoever is listening to me, my brothers and sisters of Kashi and the people of India, please write Namaste on this WhatsApp number either in English or in Hindi, and you will get response immediately. I thank Krishnakantji and move forward.
Namaskar Mr. Prime Minister,
Question –My name is MohiniJhanwar. I am a social worker and work for the welfare of women. Sir, people are aware about social distancing, but there are some concerns also. It pains us when we find out from media those doctors and other staff working in hospitals or people working in airlines are being mistreated on the suspicion of Corona. I want to know what steps the government is taking regarding this.
Mohiniji, I can understand your pain. This is my pain also. Yesterday, I held a detailed discussion on this topic with nurses, doctors and lab technicians. I am talking about a normal life. People believe in right steps to be taken at the right time. You must have noticed that people went out of their way to observe the Janata Curfew on March 22 and surprised the world. Then they came together for five minutes at 5 p.m. to express their gratitude towards the nurses, doctors, lab technicians and paramedical staffwho are involved in this fight against Corona. This was unprecedented. Not many people understand this, but this small programme led to something very extraordinary. Mohiniji, you are involved in social service, you can understand this.
People have a sense of respect towards all of them. We can’t repay doctors who save our lives. I wrote a letter to the people who were involved in the rescue operation in Wuhan. It was very emotional moment for me. It was not just a letter. Recently, I had shared a photograph of the all-women crew members of the Air Indiain the social media. They had brought the people from Italy. Some of you must have seen the photograph. Yes, we have come across such incidents from some places which are very painful. This is my appeal to all the citizens to warn the people of your locality if they are found to be mistreating doctors, nurses, health and sanitation staff who are in the forefront of this fight against the pandemic and explain to them that what they are doing is wrong and they can’t do this. We should help those who are rendering such services. I must tell you I got to know about such incidents when I was talking to doctors yesterday. These incidents may be sporadic, but it is a serious matter. Therefore, I have asked the Home Department and DGPs of all the states to take stern action against those found in such activities against doctors, nurses and paramedics. It will cost them very dear and the government will take very harsh steps. In this period of crisis, I would like to draw the attention of my countrymen that the doctors and nurses, who are seen in white robes in hospitals, are our gods. Today, they are saving us from death. They are saving our lives by risking their own lives.
Friends, these virtues get strengthened in our society day by day. This is our responsibility to ensure that those who are in the service of the nation, who sacrifice themselves, should always be honoured. In the last few years, you must have noticed this tradition of people rising up and clapping whenever they see soldiers at the airport. This is the form of expressing gratitude. Mohinji, you are involved in social service and you must be doing something or the other these days. Once again, I thank you. Let us now talk to somebody else from Kashi.
Question–Pranam. I am AkhileshPratap and deal in garment business. I am also involved in social work. I have this question that a lot many people have been stranded at homes due to lockdown, there are several poor people who earn daily wages; they are facing problems. There is a need to take care of all the poor people of Varanasi and the country. I request you to guide us how the youth and others in the society can help them in this hour of crisis.
No discussion can be complete in Kashi if there is no dialogue with a garment businessman. Akhileshji, I am very happy that you are a businessman but have asked a question about the poor. I am very grateful to you. As per the guidelines of the experts, one should maintain a distance of minimum one to one-and-a-half metres. This battle against Corona is like a military policy. I will call it military policy.
Friends, all of us believe that human being is part of the god and god resides inside us. This is our ethos and our culture. Neither can corona virus erase our culture, nor our virtues. Therefore, our sensitiveness gets awakened during the crisis. Compassion is the best weapon against Corona. We can empathize with the poor and the needy and this can also be a step towards defeating Corona. There is a rich practice in our society and in our culture to help others. It is said in our country that God give us this much, so that neither me nor the saint remains hungry.
Navratri has just begun. I would like to tell my brothers and sisters of Kashi and my countrymen that everybody should take a pledge to take care of nine poor families for the next 21 days according to their potential. I believe that this will be true service to the Mother if we do this much. This will be the true Navratri in real sense. You also have to take care of the animals. Animals have been hit hard due to the lockdown. Therefore, I request you to take care of the animals nearby. Akhileshji, if I say, everything is fine then I believe that I am deceiving myself.
Today, the central and state governments have been making concerted efforts to ensure maximum and best steps. I have full faith in the state governments that they will take care of their citizens with all sensitiveness. Friends, we also know that in normal circumstances, sometimes power goes off, water does not come, officials who help us go on long leave suddenly. These are some of the problems which come unannounced in our lives. We Indians have experienced this. At a time, when the country is faced with such a crisis and there is a huge challenge in front of the world, to say everything will be fine and problems will not be there is like deceiving oneself. What is more important whether the arrangementsare okay or not, whether everything is happening properly or not? But think for a while. The more important question is whether we have to emerge victorious from Corona despite such hardships. These hardships and problems will last just 21 days. But if the Corona problem does not end and it does not cease to spread, then one can’t imagine the magnitude of the problems. There is a need to encourage everybody, be it the administration, the citizens, the civil society, social organizations, cultural organizations, religious organizations for whatever they are doing. Just imagine, people are working for 18 hours in hospitals. In many places, the people associated with the health sector don’t even get more than 2-3 hours of sleep. There are people in the society who are helping the poor day in and day out. We should salute them during this crisis. Perhaps there may be some lapses or cases of negligence. But this does no good if such incidents are pinpointed, and highlighted, and attempt is made to defame and discourage that sector. We should try to understand that there can be thousands of reasons to spread negativity. I don’t say that all of the reasons are wrong. But life moves on with hope and belief. There will be better results if we as citizens cooperate with our laws and the administration. All of us should endeavour not to burden the administration unnecessarily. Cooperate with the administration. Have all those people working in hospitals, police personnel, employees who continue to work in government offices, our media workers come from outside? These are our own people. If they are taking so much of pressure, then we should also take some burden. We should encourage all those who are contributing in this crisis. Akhileshji, I appreciate your concern for the poor despite being in the business. The country is full of people like Akhileshji. Let’s come together and work for the welfare of the poor, fulfill our responsibilities and win this battle. There may be other questions as well.
Question: Namaskar, Mr. Prime Minister. Myself Doctor Gopal Nath and I am professor in microbiology department in Banaras Hindu University Institute of Medical Sciences. I am also in charge of diagnosis lab of Corona and responsible for 16 districts. I am doing research on alternative arrangement to a problem on which I am asking you a question. Mr. Prime Minister, people have this tendency of practicing medical science themselves on the basis of some reading material or by listening to others. This drives to a very dangerous situation. Being a microbiologist, I can say that this problem becomes more acute during the Corona crisis. We all know that there is neither vaccine nor any specific medicine for this disease. But despite this there are so many misconceptions in the society. Should we not make attempt to create more awareness in the society?
Professor Sahib, you yourself are expert in this field and you can easily differentiate between the truth and lies. You have more knowledge on this subject than us. And your concern is very legitimate. In our country, we have this habit of taking medicines related to cold and fever without consulting a doctor. If a child keeps on crying for a longer period in a train compartment, people from other compartments come and offer their advice. I think we need to avoid such habits. We should not try to cure Corona infection on our own, we have to stay indoors, whatever has to be done should be on the advice of doctors. Call the doctor on telephone, tell him about your problems, because almost every family knows a doctor. We have to bear in mind that there is no medicine, no vaccine against Corona as of now. Scientists and researchers from India as well as the world are working overtime to find the cure. Therefore, I would like to tell my countrymen that please consult your doctor if somebody offers you any advice or medicine. Take medicines only on the advice of doctors. You must have seen the news how lives of several people in different countries were endangered after they took medicines on their own. We need to avoid rumours and superstitions. I am thankful to you Dr. Gopalji, because you are associated with science and still you are concerned about the Ganges and whatever is happening in the society. I believe we need to educate people. Thanks Gopalji. Now we move on to next question.
Question: Namaskar, Mr. Prime Minister. My name is Ankita Khatri. I am a housewife and also active in several creative works. I have been inspired by you and therefore I have launched a hashtag campaign “Kuchh Creative Karo”(Do Something Creative) on the social media. I am also requesting various creative artistes of Kashi …
It is all due to inspiration from you, Mr. Prime Minister. I have launched this campaign inspired by you because creativity always pays. You yourself remain so positive even in adverse circumstances. I had heard somewhere that only creators survive. Therefore, I have launched this campaign. Under it, I am inviting various creative artistes, writers, poets, painters, etc. This is my endeavour to put together their works in these 21 days and publish them so that we can present you on behalf of Kashi. But as a housewife, I have a question, I have a concern which I would like to share with you. During lockdown, all the children are at home and it is really becoming difficult and challenging to handle children. There are children whose examinations have been affected. My own son is taking Class 12 exams. One of his papers has been postponed. Therefore, there is concern in the family. What should we do?
Mohiniji, first of all, you are doing creative works very effectively and therefore you must be full of energy. But you said that you are bringing together various artistes. My request is please don’t assemble people. You should follow social distancing. You collect their works online. This is a very good initiative. Their creative works will certainly help the country. You are right that this is a huge calamity. But it is the quality of the human being to convert adversity into opportunity. You must have seen the effects of lockdown in various social media forums like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc where people are sharing in detail their time being spent with their children. This is a fact that earlier it was very easy to handle children as there used to be joint families and grandparents used to take care of them. Now that families have become smaller, such difficulties are natural. But you must have seen how new shows are being produced on this issue on TV, electronic media and radio. There is creativity in our media. It has been showing and teaching people ways to engage in a creative way during the lockdown.
In the midst of all these, I have been impressed by several other things. I see how the mankind has come together to win this war against the pandemic. And our children’s army has been playing a very important role. I have watched several videos wherein children as old as 4-5 years are teaching their parents how to wash their hands, not to step out of their homes and various other dos and don’ts. Small children are giving their reactions on the issue. I regularly engage with such videos on social media and sometimes share them with people as well. I have seen several videos where families have been showcasing the works of their children on social media. Now-a-days, it is very easy to make videos through mobile phones. I will put together some of those videos, if they are not deleted, and share with you today itself. You will have to see it to believe the talents of the children. I hope you remember when I had talked about cleanliness and launched Swacch India Campaign. You must have seen how the children were in the forefront of this campaign in every household. I am impressed by the energy of the children, the young generation. Their talent, their way of thinking gives me immense pleasure. And yes, some parents must be worrying that children who have been sitting at homes for so long could start teaching them. I am very hopeful that children will surely teach something to their parents during these 21 days.
Friends, I have been going through your suggestions and feedback on Namo App. Several people from different parts of the country, including Shri Om Prakash Thakurji, MukeshDasji, Prabhanshuji, Amit Pandeji, Kavitaji have given their suggestions that the lockdown should be prolonged and should be implemented strictly. Several thousand citizens of the country have suggested the same and made an appeal on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. I am very hopeful that with the resolve of the countrymen and their strong will-power, this country will defeat this pandemic.
Please excuse me the residents of Kashi that I could not be present with you. In the end, I would say that keep yourself and the country safe. This is a long battle and the people of Banaras will also have to contribute. All the people of Kashi will have to show the way to the entire country. Once again, I bow down to all the people of Kashi from Delhi. I have full faith that you have taken good care of Kashi and will continue to do so in future. Thank you very much.
आज काबुल में गुरुद्वारे में हुए आतंकी हमले से मन काफी दुखी है।
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) March 25, 2020
मैं इस हमले में मारे गए सभी लोगों के परिवारों के प्रति संवेदना व्यक्त करता हूं: PM @narendramodi
आप जानते हैं, नवरात्रि के पहले दिन मां शैलपुत्री की पूजा की जाती है। मां शैलपुत्री स्नेह, करुणा और ममता का स्वरूप हैं। उन्हें प्रकृति की देवी भी कहा जाता है।
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) March 25, 2020
आज देश जिस संकट के दौर से गुजर रहा है, उसमें हम सभी को मां शैलसुते के आशीर्वाद की बहुत आवश्यकता है: PM @narendramodi
आपका सांसद होने के नाते मुझे, ऐसे समय में आपके बीच होना चाहिए था। लेकिन आप यहां दिल्ली में जो गतिविधियां हो रही हैं, उससे भी परिचित हैं।
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) March 25, 2020
यहां की व्यस्तता के बावजूद मैं वाराणसी के बारे में निरंतर अपने साथियों से अपडेट ले रहा हूं: PM @narendramodi #IndiaFightsCorona
आज कोरोनी के खिलाफ जो युद्ध पूरा देश लड़ रहा है, उसमें 21 दिन लगने वाले हैं। हमारा प्रयास है इसे 21 दिन में जीत लिया जाए: PM @narendramodi #IndiaFightsCorona
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) March 25, 2020
काशी का अनुभव शाश्वत, सनातन, समयातीत है।
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) March 25, 2020
और इसलिए, आज लॉकडाउन की परिस्थिति में
काशी देश को सिखा सकती है- संयम, समन्वय, संवेदनशीलता
काशी देश को सिखा सकती है- सहयोग, शांति, सहनशीलता
काशी देश को सिखा सकती है- साधना, सेवा, समाधान: PM @narendramodi #IndiaFightsCorona
मुझे ऐहसास है कि आप सभी के बहुत सारे प्रश्न होंगे, कुछ चिंताएं भी होंगी और सुझाव भी होंगे।
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) March 25, 2020
तो आइए, संवाद शुरू करते हैं: PM @narendramodi #IndiaFightsCorona
Prof. Krishna Kant Vajpayee asks PM @narendramodi about spreading social awareness for combating corona pandemic
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) March 25, 2020
मुझे बहुत गर्व होता है जब आप जैसे प्रबुद्ध नागरिकों को, अपने व्यक्तिगत कार्यों, अपने व्यवसाय के साथ ही, लोगों को जागरूक करने के महत्वपूर्ण काम को करते हुए देखता हूं: PM @narendramodi #IndiaFightsCorona
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) March 25, 2020
देखिए, मनुष्य का स्वभाव होता है कि जो कुछ भी सरल हो, खुद के अनुकूल हो, उसे जल्दी स्वीकार कर लेता है। कोई बात आपको अपने पसंद की लगती है, आपको सूट करती है तो आप उसे तुरंत सच मान लेते हैं: PM @narendramodi #IndiaFightsCorona
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) March 25, 2020
आपकी बात भी सही है की कुछ लोग ऐसे हैं, जो अपने कानों से सुनते हैं, अपनी आंखों से देखते हैं और अपनी बुद्धि से समझते भी हैं… बस अमल नहीं करते हैं।
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) March 25, 2020
ये एक प्रकार की दुर्योधन वृत्ति है: PM @narendramodi #IndiaFightsCorona
लेकिन हाँ, नागरिक के रूप में हमें अपने कर्तव्य करते रहना चाहिए, हमें सोशल डिस्टेंसिंग पर ध्यान देना चाहिए। हमें घर में रहना चाहिए और आपस में दूरी बनाए रखना चाहिए। कोरोना जैसी महामारी से दूर रहने का अभी यही एकमात्र उपाय है: PM @narendramodi #IndiaFightsCorona
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) March 25, 2020
वैसे मैं आपको ये भी जानकारी देना चाहता हूं कि कोरोना से जुड़ी सही और सटीक जानकारी के लिए सरकार ने Whatsapp के साथ मिलकर एक हेल्पडेस्क भी बनाई है: PM @narendramodi #IndiaFightsCorona
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) March 25, 2020
Social activist Mohini Jhanwar asks a question to PM @narendramodi on issues facing Health care workers and other front-line services staff and officials #IndiaFightsCorona
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) March 25, 2020
आपने देखा होगा कि 22 मार्च को किस तरह पूरे देश ने जनता कर्फ्यू में बढ़-चढ़कर अपनी भागीदारी निभाई। और फिर शाम के ठीक 5 बजे, 5 मिनट के लिए कैसे देश भर के लोग अभिवादन के लिए सामने आए: PM @narendramodi
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) March 25, 2020
समाज के मन में इन सब के लिए आदर सम्मान का भाव होता ही है। डॉक्टर जिंदगी बचाते हैं और हम उनका ऋण कभी नहीं उतार सकते।
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) March 25, 2020
जिन लोगों ने वुहान में रेस्क्यू ऑपेरेशन किया, मैंने उनको पत्र लिखा था, मेरे लिए वो पल बहुत भावुक थे: PM @narendramodi #IndiaFightsCorona
संकट की इस घड़ी में, अस्पतालों में इस समय सफेद कपड़ों में दिख रहा हर व्यक्ति, ईश्वर का ही रूप है। आज यही हमें मृत्यु से बचा रहे हैं। अपने जीवन को खतरों में डालकर ये लोग हमारा जीवन बचा रहे हैं: PM @narendramodi #IndiaFightsCorona
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) March 25, 2020
हमारे समाज में ये संस्कार दिनों-दिन प्रबल हो रहा है, कि जो देश की सेवा करते हैं, जो देश के लिए खुद को खपाते हैं, उनका सार्वजनिक सम्मान भी होते रहना चाहिए: PM @narendramodi #IndiaFightsCorona
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) March 25, 2020
Textiles business man Akhilesh Khemka asks PM @narendramodi about livelihood concerns facing informal sector workers and less well-off sections of society #IndiaFightsCorona
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) March 25, 2020
कोरोना वायरस न हमारी संस्कृति को मिटा सकता है और न ही हमारे संस्कार मिटा सकता है।
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) March 25, 2020
और इसलिए, संकट के समय, हमारी संवेदनाएं और जागृत हो जाती हैं।
कोरोना को जवाब देने का एक तरीका करुणा भी है। यानि कोरोना को करुणा से जवाब: PM @narendramodi #IndiaFightsCorona
हमारे समाज में, हमारी परंपरा में तो दूसरों की मदद की एक समृद्ध परिपाटी रही है।
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) March 25, 2020
साईं इतना दीजिए, जामें कुटुंब समाए।
मैं भी भूखा ना रहूं, साधू ना भूखा जाए !! PM @narendramodi #IndiaFightsCorona
अभी नवरात्र शुरू हुआ है। अगर हम अगले 21 दिन तक, 9 गरीब परिवारों की मदद करने का प्रण लें, तो इससे बड़ी आराधना मां की क्या होगी।
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) March 25, 2020
इसके अलावा आपके आसपास जो पशु हैं, उनकी भी चिंता करनी है: PM @narendramodi #IndiaFightsCorona
अगर मैं कहूं कि सब कुछ ठीक है, सब कुछ सही है, तो मैं मानता हूं कि ये खुद को भी धोखा देने वाली बात होगी।
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) March 25, 2020
इस समय केंद्र सरकार हो या राज्य सरकारें, जितना ज्यदा हो सके, जितना अच्छा हो सके, इसके लिए भरसक प्रयास कर रही हैं: PM @narendramodi #IndiaFightsCorona
जो तकलीफें आज हम उठा रहे हैं, जो मुश्किल आज हो रही है, उसकी उम्र फिलहाल 21 दिन ही है। लेकिन अगर कोरोना का संकट समाप्त नहीं हुआ, इसका फैलना नहीं रुका तो कितना ज्यादा नुकसान हो सकता है, इसका अंदाजा नहीं लगाया जा सकता है: PM @narendramodi #IndiaFightsCorona
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) March 25, 2020
आप सोचिए, अस्पतालों में लोग 18-18 घंटे काम कर रहे हैं। कई जगह अस्पतालो में, हेल्थ सेक्टर से जुड़े लोगों को 2-3 घंटे से ज्यादा सोने को नहीं मिल रहा।
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) March 25, 2020
कितने ही सिविल सोसायटी के लोग हैं जो गरीबों की मदद के लिए दिन-रात एक किए हुए हैं: PM @narendramodi #IndiaFightsCorona
Dr. Gopal Nath from BHU flags concerns with PM @narendramodi about dangers of self-medication during corona pandemic #IndiaFightsCorona
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) March 25, 2020
प्रोफेसर साहब आपकी चिंता जायज है। हमारे यहां डॉक्टरों को पूछे बिना दवाएं लेने की आदत है। इससे हमें बचना है।
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) March 25, 2020
कोरोना के संक्रमण का इलाज अपने स्तर पर बिल्कुल नहीं करना है, घर में रहना है और जो करना है डॉक्टरों की सलाह से ही करना है: PM @narendramodi #IndiaFightsCorona
हमें ये ध्यान रखना है कि अभी तक कोरोना के खिलाफ कोई भी दवाई, कोई भी वेक्सीन पूरी दुनिया में नहीं बनी है। इस पर हमारे देश में भी और दूसरे देशों में भी काम तेज़ी से चल रहा है: PM @narendramodi #IndiaFightsCorona
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) March 25, 2020
आपने खबरों में भी देखा होगा कि, दुनिया के कुछ देशों में अपनी मर्ज़ी से दवाएं लेने के कारण कैसे जीवन संकट में पड़ रहे हैं।
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) March 25, 2020
हम सभी को हर तरह के अंधविश्वास से, अफवाह से बचना है: PM @narendramodi #IndiaFightsCorona
ये सही है कि आपदा बहुत बड़ी है। लेकिन आपदा को अवसर में बदलना ही मानव जीवन की विशेषता है।
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) March 25, 2020
इन दिनों सोशल मीडिया में आप लॉकडाउन का एक और प्रभाव देखने को मिल रहा है: PM @narendramodi #IndiaFightsCorona
मैं देख रहा हूं कि मानव जाति, कैसे इस वैश्विक संकट से जीतने के लिए एक साथ आगे आई है। और इसमें भी सबसे बड़ी भूमिका निभा रहे हैं मेरी बालक सेना: PM @narendramodi #IndiaFightsCorona
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) March 25, 2020
Home maker Ankita Khatri seeks views of PM @narendramodi on issues related to children and students who were in the midst of their examinations #IndiaFightsCorona
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) March 25, 2020
मैं NaMO app पर आप सबके सुझाव और feedback भी निरंतर पढ़ रहा हूं: PM @narendramodi #IndiaFightsCorona
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) March 25, 2020
मुझे अपनी ‘बाल सेना’ पर पूरा विश्वास है। वे इस बात को सुनिश्चित करेंगे कि लोग अपने घरों में रहें, ताकि COVID-19 के खिलाफ भारत प्रभावी तरीके से लड़ सके।
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) March 25, 2020
महाभारत का युद्ध 18 दिन में जीता गया था। आज कोरोना के खिलाफ जो युद्ध पूरा देश लड़ रहा है, हमारा प्रयास है कि इसे 21 दिन में जीत लिया जाए।
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) March 25, 2020
महाभारत के युद्ध के समय भगवान कृष्ण महारथी थे, सारथी थे। आज 130 करोड़ महारथियों के बलबूते हमें कोरोना के खिलाफ इस लड़ाई को जीतना है।
कोरोना को लेकर अब भी कई लोगों को गलतफहमी है। ऐसे लोगों से मेरा आग्रह है कि वे गलतफहमी से बाहर निकलें और सच्चाई को समझें।
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) March 25, 2020
जिम्मेदार नागरिक के रूप में हमें सोशल डिस्टेंसिंग पर ध्यान देना चाहिए। हमें घरों में रहना चाहिए। कोरोना जैसी महामारी से दूर रहने का अभी यही एकमात्र उपाय है।
संकट की इस घड़ी में अस्पतालों में सफेद कपड़ों में दिख रहे डॉक्टर-नर्स, ईश्वर का ही रूप हैं। खुद को खतरे में डालकर ये हमें बचा रहे हैं।
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) March 25, 2020
इनके साथ बुरा बर्ताव होता दिखे तो आप वहां जाकर लोगों को समझाएं।
डॉक्टर, नर्स, मेडिकल स्टाफ जिंदगी बचाते हैं और हम उनका ऋण कभी नहीं उतार सकते।
कोरोना वायरस न हमारी संस्कृति को मिटा सकता है और न ही हमारे संस्कार मिटा सकता है।
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) March 25, 2020
इसलिए संकट के समय हमारी संवेदनाएं और जागृत हो जाती हैं। कोरोना को जवाब देने का एक तरीका करुणा भी है।
यानि हम गरीबों के प्रति, जरूरतमंदों के प्रति करुणा दिखाकर भी कोरोना को पराजित करेंगे।
When it comes to fighting COVID-19, please do not self-medicate. Consult your doctors and then move ahead.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) March 25, 2020
काशी की अंकिता जी ने एक अच्छी बात कही - जो रचता है, वो बचता है…
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) March 25, 2020
An interesting perspective on how young India can take the lead in battling COVID-19.