Prime Minister Narendra Modi today said that Yoga has become one of the most powerful ‘Unifying Forces’ in the world. He was addressing a huge gathering on the 4th International Yoga Day held at the Forest Research Institute campus in Dehradun, Uttarakhand. Prime Minister performed Yogasan, Pranayama and Dhyan with about 50,000 yoga enthusiasts and volunteers at the Forest Research Institute campus.
“It’s a proud moment for everyone that today, all over the world; people are welcoming the brightness and warmth of the sun with Yoga. From Dehradun to Dublin, from Shanghai to Chicago, and from Jakarta to Johannesburg, yoga is now spread everywhere”, Prime Minister said
Giving a clear-cut message to the Yoga enthusiasts all over the world, Prime Minister said that the entire world has embraced Yoga and the glimpses of this can be seen in the way International Day of Yoga is celebrated every year. He further added that Yoga Day has become one of the biggest mass movements in the quest for good health and well-being.
Prime Minister said that we should not hesitate to honour our own legacy and heritage if we want the rest of the world to respect us. He said that Yoga is beautiful because it is ancient and yet modern, it is constant and yet evolving; it has the best of our past and present and provides a ray of hope for our future.
Talking about the potential of Yoga, Prime Minister said that Yoga has a solution to most of the problems faced by people, as individuals as well as a society. He said that Yoga could lead to a calm, creative and content life, removing tensions and needless anxiety. “Instead of dividing, Yoga unites. Instead of further animosity, Yoga assimilates. Instead of increasing suffering, Yoga heals”, he added.
हम सभी के लिए गौरव की बात है कि आज जहां-जहां उगते सूर्य के साथ सूरज की किरण पहुंच रही है, प्रकाश का विस्तार हो रहा है, वहाँ - वहाँ लोग योग से सूर्य का स्वागत कर रहे हैं।
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) June 21, 2018
देहरादून से लेकर डबलिन तक, शंघाई से लेकर शिकागो तक, जकार्ता से लेकर जोहानिसबर्ग तक, योग ही योग है: PM
योग व्यक्ति-परिवार-समाज-देश-विश्व और सम्पूर्ण मानवता को जोड़ता है।
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) June 21, 2018
योग आज दुनिया की सबसे Powerful Unifying Forces में से एक बन गया है: PM
The world has embraced Yoga and glimpses of this can be seen in the manner in which International Day of Yoga has been marked every year.
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) June 21, 2018
Infact, Yoga Day has become one of the biggest mass movements in the quest for good health and well-being: PM
Yoga is beautiful because it is ancient yet modern, it is constant yet evolving.
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) June 21, 2018
It has the best of our past and presents and a ray of hope for our future.
In Yoga, we have the perfect solution to the problems we face, either as individuals or in our society: PM
The way to lead a calm, creative & content life is Yoga. It can show the way in defeating tensions and mindless anxiety.
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) June 21, 2018
Instead of dividing, Yoga unites.
Instead of further animosity, Yoga assimilates.
Instead of increasing suffering, Yoga heals: PM
Greetings on the 4th International Day of Yoga!
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) June 21, 2018
In Devbhoomi Uttarakhand, at the beautiful FRI campus in Dehradun, I joined the Yoga Day programme. Sharing my speech on the occasion.
Glimpses from the Yoga Day programme in Dehradun.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) June 21, 2018
Talked about the integrative power of Yoga, especially how Yoga furthers calm, creativity and contentment.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) June 21, 2018
Instead of dividing and furthering suffering, Yoga assimilates and heals.
In a world where non-communicable diseases, stress and lifestyle related ailments are rising, Yoga can play a central role in mitigating these diseases to create a healthy mind and body.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) June 21, 2018
I urge people around to world to embrace Yoga.
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) June 21, 2018
I also request people to share the joys of Yoga with others by teaching Yoga particularly to today’s youth. This way we can create a healthier planet.