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PM addresses Indian Community in Philippines

PM addresses Indian Community in Philippines

PM addresses Indian Community in Philippines

PM addresses Indian Community in Philippines

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi today addressed the Indian community in Manila, Philippines.

The Prime Minister said that the ASEAN region is very important for India. He spoke of the long shared heritage and emotional bonding that India has with the ASEAN region. In particular, he mentioned the Buddha and the Ramayana. He said the Indian diaspora in the region has a key role to play in nurturing this heritage.

The Prime Minister said India has never harmed another country. He spoke of the sacrifice of one and a half lakh Indian soldiers, who laid down their lives in distant lands during World Wars 1 and 2.

He said that India’s present too, must be equally bright, and radiant. He said we should do everything possible to ensure that the 21st century, which is termed “Asia’s century” becomes “India’s century.”

The Prime Minister spoke of initiatives such as Jandhan Yojana and Ujjwala Yojana, taken by the Government for empowering the poor. He also mentioned the gains made through Aadhaar linking of subsidy.