Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi witnessed an episode of Lao Ramayan – called Phalak Phalam or Phra Lak Phra Ram – performed by the prestigious Royal Theatre of Luang Prabang. Ramayan continues to be celebrated in Laos, and the epic reflects the shared heritage and age-old civilization connection between the two countries. Several facets of Indian culture and tradition have been practised and preserved in Laos for centuries. The two countries are closely working to illuminate their shared heritage. The Archaelogical Survey of India is involved in restoring the Vat Phou temple and related monuments in Laos. Several dignitaries, including Minister of Home Affairs, Minister of Education and Sports, Hon. Governor of Bank of Lao PDR and Mayor of Vientiane were present on the occasion.
Prior to the Ramayan performamce, Prime Minister participated in a blessing ceremony by senior Buddhist monks of Central Buddhist Fellowship Organization of Lao PDR, led by Most Venerable Mahaveth Masenai, the revered abbot of Si Saket temple in Vientiane. Shared Buddhist heritage represents yet another facet of close civilizational bonds between India and Laos.
Vijaya Dashami is a few days away and today in Lao PDR, I saw a part of the Lao Ramayana, highlighting the victory of Prabhu Shri Ram over Ravan. It is heartening to see the people here remain in touch with the Ramayan. May the blessings of Prabhu Shri Ram always remain upon us!
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) October 10, 2024
PM @narendramodi witnessed a captivating performance of the Lao Ramayana, known as Phalak Phalam or Phra Lak Phra Ram. This unique rendition of the Ramayan reflects the deep cultural ties and shared heritage between India and Lao PDR.
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) October 10, 2024