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PM’s statement on 30 years of establishment of formal Diplomatic relationship between India and Israel

PM’s statement on 30 years of establishment of formal Diplomatic relationship between India and Israel

Greetings from India to all Israeli friends and Shalom. Today is a special day in our relationship. 30 years ago, on this very day, full diplomatic relations were established between us.

A new chapter began between the two countries. Even though this chapter was new, the history of both our countries is very old. There has been close relationship between our peoples for centuries.

As is the nature of India, for hundreds of years our Jewish community has lived and flourished in a harmonious environment in Indian society without any discrimination. It has made significant contributions to our development journey.

Today, when significant changes are taking place all over the world, the importance of India-Israel relations has increased even further. And what better opportunity to set new goals for mutual cooperation – when India is celebrating the 75th anniversary of its independence this year, when Israel will celebrate the 75th anniversary of its independence next year and when both the countries are celebrating the 30th anniversary of their diplomatic relations.

On this important milestone of 30 years, I congratulate you all again. I am sure that India-Israel friendship will continue to set new records of mutual cooperation in the coming decades.

Thank you, Toda Raba.